Opening of the Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival in the Southern region in 2022

On July 29, the 2022 Southern Regional Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival organized by the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union (DKVN Union) officially opened at Vietsovpetro Cultural and Sports Center, Vung Tau city.

The 2022 Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival is a meaningful activity responding to the 13th Petroleum Culture Week, celebrating the 47th Anniversary of the Establishment of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (September 3); Celebrating the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (July 28), the 31st anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union (December 16).

Overview of the Opening Ceremony of the Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival in the Southern region in 2022.

Attending the Sports Festival were comrades Nguyen Ba Hung – Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province; Comrade Tran Quang Dung – Member of the Party Standing Committee, Head of Communications and Corporate Culture Department of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam); Representatives of leaders of Boards/Party Committees, Veterans Association, and Youth Union of the Group.

On the side of the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union (DKVN CD) were comrade Nghiem Thuy Lan – Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, President of the DKVN CD; Comrade Vu Anh Tuan – Vice Chairman of DKVN College; leaders of the Group’s member units, Presidents/Vice Presidents of affiliated Trade Unions and the presence of nearly 1,600 athletes from 25 units in the Group attending the 2022 Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival the southern area.

Delegates attending the Opening Ceremony.

Speaking at the opening of the sports festival, President of DKVN Community Nghiem Thuy Lan emphasized that the 2022 Petroleum Industry Sports Festival in the Southern region aims to spread and respond to the campaign “All people exercise their bodies following the example of the great Uncle Ho.” “, thereby contributing to promoting the spirit of labor emulation, completing production and business tasks in 2022, as well as creating a playground, creating conditions for employees of units to exchange, learn, and maintain sports movement, strengthening solidarity, attachment, and mutual understanding among units in the Oil and Gas industry.

President of DKVN Community Nghiem Thuy Lan gave the opening speech.

The Chairman of DKVN College at the same time affirmed that this is an annual, traditional activity of the Oil and Gas industry, a “spiritual food” to motivate the Oil and Gas workers, arousing the tradition of solidarity, creativity, kindness, promoting the pioneering role and responsibility of each union member and worker in performing well all assigned tasks; promote the construction and implementation of corporate culture, creating a civilized, happy and safe working environment.

Leaders of DKVN College also called on athletes participating in the sports festival to uphold the sports spirit of “Solidarity – Honesty – Nobility – Progress”; achieve high results in competitions, combat all negative manifestations contrary to the sports spirit of the Oil and Gas industry.

Representatives of the referee team and representatives of athletes participating in the Sports Festival take the oath.

This year’s sports festival includes 10 competitions: Football, tug of war, badminton, table tennis, tennis, athletics, swimming, chess, Chinese chess, and sack jumping. Immediately after the Opening Ceremony, competitions in sack jumping and tug of war took place. The matches took place enthusiastically, attracting excitement from the athletes and fans present at the stadium, opening a series of exciting competition days at the Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival in the Southern region.

The Oil and Gas Industry Sports Festival in the Northern region is expected to be held on the occasion of Petroleum Culture Week in August 2022, at Hanoi Athletics Palace.

he leaders presented souvenir flags and congratulatory flowers to the athlete delegations.

After the Opening Ceremony, competitions in sack jumping and tug of war took place.

The matches were exciting, attracting excitement from athletes and fans.

The excellent PVFCCo team “carried” all 6 gold medals on the opening night (First prize in men’s and women’s tug of war; First prize in men’s and women’s team sack jumping; First prize in men’s and women’s single sack jumping).

Some pictures from the opening night of the Sports Festival:

Truc Lam – Hong Tham – Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union

Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)
Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)