After 7 months, Petrovietnam completed the plan to pay the state budget for the whole year of 2023

In the first 7 months of 2023, overcoming difficulties and major challenges of the world and domestic economic situation, especially the deep decline in the energy market over the same period, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) has excellently exceeded the whole year 2023 plan in the State budget payment target, reaching the target 5 months ahead of schedule.

Su Tu Trang mining rig

In that context, the Government has made efforts to implement many solutions to remove difficulties and support the economy. Up to now, it continues to be steadfast in not changing the growth target for 2023, although to achieve the target The proposed title is determined to be extremely challenging.
Determined to accompany the Government and Ministries in implementing the country’s common goals, as the country’s leading economic and energy corporation, Petrovietnam is always conscious of making the highest efforts in its operations. manufacturing business; determined to complete and exceed the targets and tasks assigned by the Government as well as steadfast with the planning goals set at the beginning of the year to contribute as much as possible to the economy.
With that determination, along with actively and decisively deploying appropriate and timely management solutions to market developments according to the motto “Manage fluctuations, Expand scale, Accelerate transformation Digital, Model Shift, Productivity Improvement, Business Regeneration”, in the first 7 months of this year, production and business activities throughout Petrovietnam were guaranteed to be safe, stable, and highly effective. Production targets exceeded the plan and were at a high level, providing a stable, maximum supply of strategic products: gas, electricity, nitrogen, gasoline, etc. for life and production.

Successfully received the first LNG shipment to Thi Vai LNG warehouse

Petrovietnam also highly exceeded its financial targets over the past months and quarters, recording more positive results compared to the decline in oil prices as well as poor exports and investment and consumption. low usage. In particular, the entire State budget contribution of the Group in July 2023 reached 12.2 trillion VND, exceeding 2.0 times the monthly plan. Overall, in the first 7 months of 2023, the entire State budget contribution of the entire Group reached 78.31 trillion VND, exceeding 62% of the 7-month plan and reaching 100.02% of the 2023 plan. Thus, Petrovietnam’s entire state budget contribution has completed the whole year plan. 2023 5 months ago.
Petrovietnam’s achievements have been making important contributions to the economy, contributing to ensuring national energy security and actively compensating for the difficulties that the country’s economy is suffering. for GDP growth for the whole year 2023. This result is also the most practical demonstration of Petrovietnam’s efforts in contributing to the implementation of the country’s common goals, always setting goals and tasks assigned by the Government, putting profits The interests of the country come first.

Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)
Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)