Collecting comments on the document of the 7th Congress of Vietnam Oil and Gas Federation: Expressing the will and aspirations of oil and gas workers

On July 18, 2023, the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union (DKVN Trade Union) organized a conference to collect comments and suggestions.
7th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union, documents of 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union (VNĐVN) and comments
Amending and supplementing the Charter of Vietnamese Communist Party. The conference was held in the southern region (Ho Chi Minh City),
after the Northern Regional Conference recently held on July 13.

Attending the conference, on the Party Committee of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group were Mr. Le Anh Chien – Deputy Head of the Propaganda Department of the Group’s Party Committee; On the side of DKVN College, there was comrade Nghiem Thuy Lan, Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, President of DKVN College; Attending online at the Hanoi bridgehead was Vice President of DKVN College Nguyen Manh Kha. Also attending the conference were members of the Standing Committee and the Executive Committee of the DKVN Community; leaders of departments/Offices of DKVN College; leaders of trade unions in the southern region; specialized officials of trade union units.

Overview of the conference

Speaking at the opening ceremony, President of the DKVN Community College Nghiem Thuy Lan emphasized that document development is one of the key tasks to prepare well for the 7th Congress of the DKVN Community Association for the 2023-2028 term towards the 13th Congress. Vietnamese fans. He requested the attending delegates to focus on contributing ideas, as well as clarifying and more comprehensively the achievements of trade unions at all levels; innovative content, creativity in trade union activities and directions for tasks, challenges, and difficulties in the coming term… After this conference, the Drafting Committee will absorb and edit as much as possible. comprehensively gather comments from delegates and units to complete the 4th draft and will collect comments from the Executive Board as well as widely communicate to workers.

President of DKVN Community Nghiem Thuy Lan

Regarding comments on amending and supplementing the Charter of the Vietnamese Communist Party and Documents of the 13th Congress, President of the Vietnamese Communist Party Nghiem Thuy Lan emphasized that in this draft amendment to the Charter of the Vietnamese Communist Party, there are many new points and breakthroughs. to build and develop the Vietnamese Community in the context of the new situation, especially the birth of employee organizations at enterprises established and operating independently alongside the Vietnamese Community Organization. Therefore, it is recommended that delegates pay attention to the contents related to grassroots trade unions, upper-level trade unions, group trade unions, industry trade unions, from practice, what problems are still inadequate, What issues need to be added to the draft? In addition, comrade Nghiem Thuy Lan also emphasized that the trade unions of units need to urgently collect the opinions of trade union members and workers so that the DKVN Union can gather and include them in the 2023 Labor Forum organized by the General Confederation of Labor. Vietnam coordinated with the National Assembly to organize.

Representative of the Document Drafting Subcommittee, Vice Chairman of DKVN College Nguyen Manh Kha emphasized the significance of the Report evaluating the results of performing tasks during the term and setting out goals and directions for the new term. Not only stopping at collecting comments from union representatives of units, the conference was also an opportunity for delegates to exchange, clarify, and unify the contents mentioned and expressed in the report. The common voice of the Oil and Gas trade union is also the expression of the role and responsibility of the trade union before the workforce.

Delegates contributed comments to the documents.

Under the chairmanship of President of Vietnam DKVN College Nghiem Thuy Lan and Vice President of Vietnam DKVN College Nguyen Manh Kha, the conference heard many enthusiastic opinions and responsibilities of delegates contributing to the document of the Congress of Vietnam DKVN College and Congress. Vietnam Football Federation, content to amend the Charter of Vietnam Football Federation.

Delegates contributed comments to the documents.

The opinions are basically in agreement with the content of the draft documents. Regarding the draft document of the DKVN Community Congress, delegates focused on researching, commenting on amendments and additions to a number of important contents, such as: unifying the theme of the congress, analyzing and clarifying the issues. number of task targets, evaluate the activities of trade unions at all levels in the past term, add more clearly lessons learned, solutions, and at the same time build directions and goals for organizational development. trade unions in a more detailed and practical way in the new context. The content of the presentation layout and words used in the document were also carefully researched by the delegates and contributed practically and specifically to the editing and completion of the document.

Speaking at the conference, comrade Le Anh Chien – Deputy Head of the Group’s Party Committee Propaganda Department said that with the attention and direction of the Group’s Standing Party Committee, the Party Committee Propaganda Department has received the task of coordinating with DKVN College to carry out contents related to congress work. After holding two conferences to collect comments on the documents, he highly appreciated the seriousness and responsibility of the participating delegates – they studied the documents very carefully and made their own assessments. Appropriate comments and supplements, closely following reality – demonstrating the spirit, will, and enthusiastic voice of all levels of trade unions, union members, and oil and gas workers, contributing to building directions and goals of the DKVN College in the coming term as well as creating a premise for the next stages.

Comrade Le Anh Chien – Deputy Head of the Group’s Party Committee Propaganda Department spoke at the conference

Emphasizing that drafting congress documents is one of the important political tasks, comrade Le Anh Chien proposed that the Document Drafting Subcommittee could invite support from former leaders and experts. Participants have the opportunity to regularly work with trade unions, pay attention to trade union activities, to gain more objective perspectives, and continue to improve the draft report. He also requested that the DKVN Community continue to conduct widespread consultation throughout the entire union system and at the same time strengthen propaganda work to collect opinions to each union member and oil and gas worker. The collection of opinions needs to focus closely on the mission objectives, the situation and characteristics of the union members and workers to make assessments, goals and mission directions for the next term in a specific and appropriate way.

Concluding the conference, comrade Nghiem Thuy Lan – Chairman of the DKVN Community welcomed the spirit and responsibility of the delegates who contributed enthusiastic opinions in building and completing the draft documents. Suggestions will be recorded, absorbed and continued to be improved by the Subcommittee for drafting Congress documents. On that side, he also once again reviewed the key tasks that trade unions at all levels need to carry out, in order to best prepare for the upcoming 13th Congress, such as promoting emulation and registering works to welcome customers. celebrate the congress; promote propaganda and communication activities before the congress; preparing for the mass art festival “Singing of those who seek fire”; Urgently collect the opinions of trade union members and workers so that DKVN Union can gather and include them in the 2023 Labor Forum./.

Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)
Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)