Exciting 5th PVMR Traditional Sports Festival

During the two days of July 11-12, 2023, at the Thu Duc City Sports Center, the traditional Sports Festival of Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation (PVMR) took place organized by the Trade Union, with The participation of nearly 200 athletes from 5 units within the Corporation.

The sports festival is a response activity to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation and to celebrate the success of the PVMR Trade Union Congress, term IV, term 2023 – 2028. .

Attending the Opening Ceremony and cheering for the Sports Festival were Mr. Le Van Sy – Member of the Board of Directors, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien – President of the Trade Union, along with leaders of member units and athletes and shareholders. encouragement from units under PVMR.

Mr. Le Van Sy – Member of the Board of Directors of PVMR delivered the opening speech at the Sports Festival.

Speaking at the opening of the sports festival, President of PVMR Trade Union Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien said that the traditional sports festival of PVMR Corporation is an important event, organized regularly and has become a useful activity. meaningful, to promote the movement of exercise and health training among all employees, responding to the campaign “All people exercise their bodies following the example of the great Uncle Ho”, contributing to promoting the spirit emulate labor, strive to complete production and business tasks.

Awarding souvenir flags to delegations participating in the Sports Festival.

The sports festival includes 9 sports: Football, tug of war, badminton, table tennis, tennis, athletics, swimming, Chinese chess, and sack jumping. In particular, this year is the first time the Organizing Committee has included women’s football in the competition content of the Sports Festival.

Male track and field athletes.
Tug of war competition.
Competing in sack jumping.
PVMR Corporation’s sack jumping competition team
Table tennis competition.
Volleyball team of PV Paint Company
PMS Company’s first-class men’s and first-class women’s football teams
EIC Company’s second-place men’s and second-place women’s football teams

After two days of exciting competition, with the spirit of “Culture – Sports – Fun – Health – Solidarity”, the 5th PVMR Traditional Sports Festival in 2023 was a great success, leaving a deep impression. beauty in the hearts of athletes and participating groups; It is truly a cultural and sports festival for employees of PVMR Corporation to exchange, learn, tighten solidarity, improve health, create an exciting atmosphere, and strive to emulate and successfully complete tasks. professional services in 2023./.

Source: Petrotimes

Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)
Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)