On October 4, at the headquarters of the Vietnam Petroleum Association, the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement took place between PetroVietnam Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation – Joint Stock Company (PVMR) and Economic – Technical Joint Stock Company. (Metco).
Attending the signing ceremony were Mr. Pham Tuan Anh – Member of Petrovietnam’s Board of Directors; Dr. Nguyen Quoc Thap – Chairman of Vietnam Petroleum Association; Dr. Nguyen Hung Dung – Vice President and General Secretary of Vietnam Petroleum Association; Mr. Nguyen Van Hai – Deputy General Director of GAET Corporation; Mr. Nguyen Trung Tri – Chairman of the Board of Directors of PVMR Corporation; Associate Professor, Dr. Le Van Sy – Member of the Board of Directors of PVMR; Ms. Do Thi Bich Hong – Deputy General Director of PVMR; Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuan – Chairman of the Board of Members of Economic – Technical Joint Stock Company (Metco); Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thuy – General Director of Metco. Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam – Deputy Minister of National Defense and General Director of Petrovietnam Le Manh Hung sent congratulatory flower baskets.

Deputy General Director of PVMR Corporation Do Thi Bich Hong and General Director of Metco Company Nguyen Ngoc Thuy signed a cooperation agreement under the witness of delegates attending the ceremony.
At the Signing Ceremony, Metco General Director Nguyen Ngoc Thuy said: Metco was established in 2010, is a unit under the National Defense Industrial Economic and Technical Corporation (GAET). Metco’s mission is to produce, do business, and serve the development of the defense industry as well as other sectors of the country’s economy.
During the development process, Metco has performed well tasks inside and outside the military, deployed blasting service projects in Vietnam and Laos, researched new materials and additive manufacturing applied in production. exporting industrial explosives and materials used in industry, and at the same time, effectively implementing commercial contracts.

General Director of Metco Company Nguyen Ngoc Thuy spoke at the Signing Ceremony.
Metco Company is a member of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Association and always actively participates in effective services for the Oil and Gas industry. Currently, the Company is combining with Vietnam – Russia Joint Venture Vietsovpetro to deploy new wind power technology.
“Currently, we are implementing and affirming our capabilities in fields such as: Mining; blasting services; Research and production of raw materials; transfer of wind power production technology; production of special-use industrial and civil paints; investing in ICD dry port operations… with the strengths, capabilities, reputation and experience of both sides, we believe that the cooperation of the two units will bring practical results”, General Director of the Company Metco shared.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of PVMR Nguyen Trung Tri said: PVMR was established in 2008 and is a member unit of Petrovietnam. The unit has capacity, experience and reputation in the oil and gas field with a number of main activities such as: Maintenance and repair of oil and gas projects; providing materials, equipment, spare parts, and technology; inspection, testing, high-tech technical appraisal, auditing and consulting on energy saving, inspection, safety inspection of vehicles and oil and gas warehouses, …

Chairman of the Board of Directors of PVMR Nguyen Trung Tri spoke
Through the time of exchange and cooperation between the two units, PVMR realized the need to elevate the relationship to a new level for more effective cooperation. “Today’s signing ceremony is an important milestone for the new development phase of the two units in many fields, especially the oil and gas field. Immediately after the signing ceremony, PVMR will send a group of senior leaders of the Corporation to work with experts and Metco’s Board of Directors to find the most general, most specific, most practical and effective direction for cooperation. so that cooperation can be promoted immediately”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PVMR Nguyen Trung Tri affirmed.

Member of Petrovietnam Board of Directors Pham Tuan Anh spoke at the ceremony.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Pham Tuan Anh – Member of Petrovietnam’s Board of Directors expressed his joy when witnessing PVMR and Metco signing a cooperation agreement. Emphasizing the cooperation of the two units is also promoting the cooperative relationship of Petrovietnam and Gaet Corporation. Therefore, Mr. Pham Tuan Anh requested that PVMR and Metco need to implement all the signed contents in practice with the highest efficiency. In particular, emphasis is placed on cooperation, exchanging experiences, improving capacity, developing technology… Mr. Pham Tuan Anh also hopes that after 1 year of cooperation, the two units will achieve specific results, make the best contribution to the development of the defense industry, oil and gas industry, and energy, especially in the context of the country and the world’s energy transition and renewable energy development. From there, creating favorable momentum for cooperation between the two sides not only in 5 years but for many years to come.

Dr. Nguyen Hung Dung – Vice President and General Secretary of Vietnam Petroleum Association spoke at the Signing Ceremony.
At the signing ceremony, Dr. Nguyen Hung Dung – Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Petroleum Association said that Metco is the only unit outside the oil and gas industry that is a member of the Vietnam Petroleum Association and always participates in activities. activities of the Association as well as many opinions contributing to the development of the Association. Metco has also cooperated with many units in the oil and gas industry. With the rich experience of the staff, discipline, and bravery of the soldiers, the cooperation has achieved many results. Dr. Nguyen Hung Dung suggested that after the cooperation agreement between PVMR and Metco is signed, the two sides will have specific cooperation programs to support and promote each other’s strengths and reap new achievements together.
In order to concretize the goals, content of cooperation as well as development plans between PVMR Corporation and Metco Company in the near future. The two parties jointly authenticate by signing a cooperation agreement with basic content such as:
- Promoting the existing strengths of the parties in the spirit of close cooperation with each other in terms of capacity, experience and reputation in the business process to bring about the highest socio-economic efficiency.
- The parties cooperate on the principles of voluntariness, equality, mutual benefit and in accordance with the law.
- The parties agree to provide and use related services that both parties currently have strengths in the market, especially in defense and oil and gas projects.
- The parties are willing to exchange information to support each other in production and business activities in general and in each project in particular.
This agreement is valid for 5 years from the date of signing.
Source: Petrotimes