October 12, 2023, Mr. Tran Quang Dung – Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, Head of the Department of Communications and Corporate Culture (TT&VHDN) of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), Regular Member Standing on the Steering Committee of the Petrovietnam Cultural Regeneration Project with implementation team members Ms. Vu Thi Thu Huong – Deputy Head of the Department of Communications and Corporate Culture (TT&VHDN) and Mr. Phan Sy Linh – Head of the Department of Corporate Culture – Department of Communications and Corporate Culture (TT&VHDN) of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) had a working session with Petrovietnam Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation (PVMR). 

Participants at the meeting on PVMR’s side included Mr. Nguyen Trung Tri – Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa – Member of the Party Executive Committee, General Director, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien – Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union is in charge of information and culture work together with representatives of leaders of departments, heads of political organizations and officials working on information and culture of PVMR Corporation. 
The meeting aimed to evaluate the results of the work of recreating Petrovietnam’s culture and the implementation of the Group’s conclusions on Communications and Corporate Culture at the unit in recent times. and goals and plans in the near future.
Overall assessment, in recent times, PVMR has faced many challenges in implementing production and business plans, limited employment sources as well as financial and human resources, greatly affecting life. employees’ lives. However, with the close attention and direction of the Group, the Party Committee, the Board of Directors, the Board of General Directors and the united efforts of all employees throughout the Corporation, up to now PVMR has achieved a milestone. certain results in production and business; Communication and Corporate Culture and Social Security work are always seriously directed and implemented by the Corporation’s leaders.

Mr. Tran Quang Dung – Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Party Committee Propaganda Department, Head of the Department of Communications and Corporate Culture (TT&VHDN) of Petrovietnam spoke

Besides the achievements, PVMR also points out the points that need to be overcome. Specifically, the work of Communications and Corporate Culture at the Corporation and its units still needs to be consolidated and strengthened synchronously. A few member units have not yet enthusiastically participated in activities associated with the Corporation’s corporate culture because the production and business situation still faces many difficulties. The coordination, exchange, and provision of information between relevant departments and units are not timely. Some member units have not yet assigned officers and departments to take charge of information and corporate culture. The leader’s role in building corporate culture has not been clearly demonstrated due to concurrent roles and changes in person in charge.
After listening to the situation of information and culture work at PVMR, the implementation team and the unit representative had discussions on all aspects of information and culture work. Thereby, each issue has been clarified and solutions proposed. At the same time, the Implementation Team also provided suggestions and positive contributions to help the information and corporate culture work at the unit be implemented better, bringing more practical results.      

Source: PVMR

Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)
Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)