The Party cells under the Party Committee of the Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation have completed the organization of the Party cell Congress for the 2022-2025 term according to plan, ensuring the Party’s regulations.
Implementing the Plan of the Party Committee of the Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation on organizing the Party Cell Congress under the term 2022-2025, Six (06) Party Cells under the Company’s Party Committee have completed Organize the Party Congress for the 2022-2025 term according to plan, ensuring the Party’s regulations.
At the present time, the Party Committee of Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation has 06 affiliated Party Cells with 58 party members (58 official party members, 0 reserve party members).
At the congress, delegates focused on discussing and building directions and tasks for the 2022 – 2025 term, setting out specific and practical goals and solutions suitable to the characteristics and situation of the branches. set. Leadership carries out political and professional tasks, builds the Party , builds strong governments and unions. Review reports of current Party Committees, confirming what has been done and what has not been done; Find out the causes, limitations, and shortcomings to draw lessons in the process of leadership and direction.
During the past term, the Party Cells always closely followed the Resolution of the Party Committee to direct the implementation of their professional tasks, contributing to the overall success of the Corporation.
The ideological situation of Party members always has positive changes, solidarity, and a sense of responsibility in carrying out assigned tasks.
At the Congress, the Party Cells elected the Party Executive Committee and the positions of Secretary and Deputy Secretary, for the 2022 – 2025 term; The Party Committees also received comments and discussions from many participating delegates and party members to contribute to leadership in carrying out political tasks, professional work and union leadership as well as contribute comments, point out achievements, limitations and propose practical solutions for the next term to achieve better results.
The Congress of Party Cells took place enthusiastically, urgently and seriously. The Congress promoted the principle of democratic centralism in discussing and contributing opinions to draft reports submitted to the Congress. At the end of the Congress, all party members of the Party Cells unanimously approved the Congress Resolution.
Some pictures at the Party Congress:

Party cell of PMS Company

Cell of EIC Company

Office branch cell

Business Sector Cell