Gasoline price (VND/liter)


Maintain Strength – Nourish Faith

Scansolution: An Important Partner of PVMR from Malaysia

Gamma Scan Service – Onshore

  • Tray/Packed Bed Tower Scan: Utilizing advanced non-intrusive inspection technique to know what happen inside your tower like tray/bed collapse, flooding, entrainment, weeping, maldistribution, etc without incurring unnecessary down time.
  • Pipe Scan: Utilizing advanced non-intrusive inspection technique to determine location of blockage or build-up quickly and efficiently without the need to remove insulation.
  • TomoSScan®: A unique 360° scanning methodology to further investigate liquid maldistribution.
  • Stationary Time Monitoring Study: A service of using simultaneous multiple detectors for stationary time monitoring at specific elevation to observe for density or liquid level changes, other abnormal conditions to further optimize column performance.
  • Neu-Scan: A non-intrusive technique to measure gas, foam, hydrocarbon, water, emulsion and solid phase in storage tank, separator, desalter, etc and MUI (Moisture Under Insulation) detection.

Gamma Scan Service – Offshore

Topside platform

Tray/Packed Bed Tower and separator Scan:  Utilizing advanced non-intrusive inspection technique to know what happen inside your tower like tray/bed collapse, flooding, entrainment, weeping, maldistribution, etc without incurring unnecessary down time.

Pipe Scan: Utilizing advanced non-intrusive inspection technique to determine location of blockage or build-up quickly and efficiently without the need to remove insulation.

Neu-Scan: A non-intrusive technique to measure gas, foam, hydrocarbon, water, emulsion and solid phase in storage tank, separator, desalter, etc.


Flooded Member Detection (FMD) and Subsea Pipeline Scan: Utilizing advanced non-intrusive inspection technique to pinpoint and identify location of stuck pig, build-up in subsea pipeline and water ingress into offshore oil platform/wind tower platform members, grout monitoring of jacket legs or pipe-in-pipe annulus quickly and efficiently without the need to remove marine growth.

The New Age of Automatic Solutions:

Innovations In Crude Oil Tank Cleaning And Slop Oil Advance Recovery Treatment

Deploying automatic, fully enclosed cleaning technology for storage tank without man-entry with far shorter cleaning time needed and at the same time, maximize the economic benefits of treating slop oil in an environmental friendly methodology into 3 phases of oil – water – solid that also remove Fe and salt.

scansolution® WI Discovery Leak Detector

Enhance Preventive Maintenance program with patented WI Discovery Leak Detector model 2057, a certified ATEX Zone 0 device that continuously monitor for potential leakage in insulated pipeline or vessel causing CUI.

OR-K oil recover catalyst 

  • Premium grade oleophilic catalyst that does not require regeneration and can operate continuously to capture oil micro-droplets and break emulsified oil in water at same time.

From Implementing Automation to Enabling the Intelligent Internet of Things with 5G

Scansolution® Smart Deflammo system is a patented SIL3 and BV certified fire extinguishing system that automatically detects the fire, judges the position, automatically adjusts the rotation and pitch angle aligning to the source of flame and activate to extinguish the fire.

Scansolution® SafeHealth Locare system which is a patented wireless system that can setup virtual fence, emergency call out, security video linkage, real time monitor the health and the location of a personnel with positioning accuracy of < 0.3 m at office, onshore refinery/petrochemical plants, offshore platform, etc.

Petroleum Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation, Joint Stock Company (PVMR)